ACL Repair

ACL Repair

26 Mar, 2020

Brief about ACL Injury

The anterior cruciate ligament is generally referred as ‘ACL’ is one of the four major ligaments in the knee joint that is highly responsible for stabilizing the knee joint. For a better understanding, we can say it is a strong cable located in between the knee joint that runs from femur (thigh bone) to tibia (leg bone). It is necessary for the ACL to be intact, without that knee joint will catch instability and grow the tendency to give out or twist. If the ACL is torn out in any case it will not heal on its own.

ACL Repair

We recommend the ACL repair surgery in the cases of avulsion fractures, (it is a case where a piece of bone and ligament is separated from the rest of the bone). Normally arthroscopic surgery is done where small incisions are done in the knee and instruments for surgery are inserted through these incisions, it also gives less scarring then the open -surgery. Sometimes, (in rare cases) open surgery has to be done by drilling a large incision in the knee. Well by this method, the bone fragment connected to the ACL is reattached to the bone.

Major reason behind the treatment of ACL repair is that we need to restore the mobility and normal stability of the knee as much as it was before the injury. Also the surgery makes sure that there will be limited loss of regular function in the knee, that also prevent further injuries or deterioration to other knee structures.

Advantages of opting out ACL Repair

  • Involves minimal invasive methods compared to standard ACL reconstruction.
  • Lowers the risk of bone damage.
  • Preservation of patient’s blood vessels, ligaments tissues and nerves.
  • Importantly, there is no need for the placement of graft.
  • Because of its conventional procedure, chances of recovery become faster than the reconstruction.

ACL Repair – Post Operative Instructions

Before the patient gets discharged, the therapist will guide for all the necessary exercises and movements that will keep the flow of blood regular in between the foot, ankle and leg. Exercises are compulsory to be followed by patients, so that the risk for forming the blood clots gets lower.

Usually, physiotherapy begins the following day or within the 2-4 days depending upon the recovery after the ACL repair surgery.

  • Until you get a proper post-op review from your concern doctor it is advised to leave your dressings on your knee.
  • You will be able to put all your weight on your leg and walk with the help of crutches.
  • Always keep your knee straight, place 1 or 2 pillows under the calf muscle or foot, this will help to keep swelling down.
  • It is better not to take anti-inflammatories for 7-10 days.
  • Patient needs to apply ice-packs or ice on their knee for 15-20 mins. Everyday. Do not use heat-pads.
  • Your appointments will be scheduled for around 7-10 days after the ACL repair surgery.